Thursday, February 26, 2009

And This, This is Why I Love TED

Thanks Sahale, for pointing me at this.

Sorry for the size weirdness - trying to fix that...

Continue the journey...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ashes on Wednesday

I celebrated Ash Wednesday today for the first time in my life. This is not a typical Adventist tradition, and being the good little Adventist boy that I am (ok, so I'm snarky in the morning - gimme a break), I had my concerns and questions about the service. I really won't dig into that right now - I don't think it's important for this. I attended the service this morning at the Purple Church and was really touched. I was not convinced to participate in the imposition of ashes until the moment of - and I felt moved to take part in that symbol.

I can't speak for other Ash Wednesday services, but I feel that Ryan and Scott designed a service that pushed me to rededicate myself to service and God, that reminded me that I am in need of confession, and that God still has a ridiculous amount of work to do on me. A celebration of fasting and a recognition of the journey which we are on - what could be better for a melancholy like me, eh?

Continue the journey...