Monday, February 26, 2007

The New McGovern?

Like George McGovern in 1972, I don't think many people expect Dennis Kucininch to do much in this current presidential race. But never underestimate an idealist. McGovern came from behind to get the Democratic Party's nomination, and well who knows? Now I doubt that this will happen, I see the nomination solidly going to Obama or Hillary, but the unexpected always lies in wait. It would certainly be fascinating to have Kucinich as president. I may like Obama in this race, but Kucinich clicks with something inside me. I mean, how many vegan politicians do you know?

1 comment:

Ann said...

I like Kucinich too. The other day I was thinking that if the other democratic canidates start tearing each other apart (as is very possible), Kucinich might be the last man standing. Hilary and Obama have already started going at it after all.

Who knows?