Thursday, September 6, 2007

Praise God, for he has many names, but...

For those of you who have iTunes, might I recommend heading over to the iTunes store and downloading this week's featured free download*, Dave Matthews' music video "Eh Hee." I've watched it about five times now, and I just downloaded it last night. I've been trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. Matthews directed the video, and it's one of the more intriguing videos I've seen in a while. We talk so much about artists wrestling with their beliefs or agnosticism in art all the time. Well, here's a great example.
I'm not even sure how to describe it, but the words, dark, grotesque, thought-provoking, frightening, beautiful, and artsy come to mind. Enjoy.

*For those of without the privilege of iTunes' ya go. (The iTunes version is much higher quality...hint hint)

(Really, you need to see the iTunes version full screen for the full effect...really)

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