Friday, October 26, 2007

Closing Time

I usually don't curse people out...but I feel like doing that right now. If this is what we are coming to in our so-called civilization...I really am at a loss at what to do. Perhaps we're already too late. Maybe it's time to just quit and move out.

This article is not recommended for those of you with faint sensibilities etc.
On the other hand...this is what those of us who still try to hold on to common decency and kindness are up against.

Perhaps this would only make me sink to his level, but if I saw the man pictured above, Mr. Anthony Anderson on the street, I'd be tempted to beat him within an inch of his life. Think that's too drastic...just read the article.


Unknown said...

. . . i am at a complete loss for words . . .

Ann said...

Frightening, and even more frightening that people stood around and watched. I wonder though if I would have had enough courage to confront the crowd. I hope so.