Friday, March 9, 2007

A Technical Note

In tweaking my page's code to allow expandable summaries, an annoying glitch in Blogger beta has been revealed. As you probably have noticed, each post includes a "Continue the journey..." link, whether or not there is a journey on which one should continue. This will continue to appear until I can find a hack and tweak the code a bit more (if anyone out there knows a solution, please send a note my way). So in order to clear up confusion, I am marking all expandable posts with asterisks until a better solution is found. So to reiterate, asterisks=even more goodies to follow; no asterisks=don't bother clicking =) Hope that clears things up.


Alex Spearman said...

1 technical thing before i comment. You should make your comments section a popup.

Anyway I dont know if you have heard Jackie Mason lately

But yeah racism is alive and well, and the conservatives are continuing and willing to pay money to biggoted mouth pieces who spew it.

He is also on youtube but I am beyond livid and i didnt want to throw up at work trying to listen to this crizap.

Anonymous said...

You ever gonna ad me to you muse myspace page? It's ok if you don't want to but I don't want to keep it pending forever.

Leslie Foster said...

Ah junk! Sorry Becky, I haven't been on that particular account, in...well, in months, but when I do get on, you will be added.