Monday, June 4, 2007


The last few days have been slightly dizzying, so I'm only now attempting catching my breath. They've included sickness, frantic packing, hours spent at the DMV, a driving test, a hideous license picture, a transatlantic flight a few hours after said test, issues at customs with work permits and visas, and trying to adjust to St. Albans, UK (extended case of sticker shock at UK prices).
Mickey S., my brave coworker and fellow SAU film school graduate, has been battling a nasty virus is slowly recovering. In the meantime I've been trying to arrange our small flat as well getting eeting the local Serbian community, of which my boss is a part. Melita P., my boss' daughter and college friend has helped a bit with the whole adjustment. Our flat is a two minute walk from downtown St. Alban's, a gorgeous little city near London. The city center is, well, quaint I suppose is the word, full of that beautiful, ancient English architecture. I'm not sure if Mickey and I will ever really quite catch our breath this year. Today we start work and there's so much to do before we start shooting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will pray for you. I'm sure you will do a great job!