Monday, June 4, 2007

The Vision?

What is the vision? What are we trying to do? Simply put, I see tedMEDIA as a bridge. 500 years ago, The New World was a continent explorers attempted to reach, today, it's a state of mind, and for many of us who are Christians, it is forbidding piece of real estate. We at tedMEDIA are attempting to make journeys into this paradigm just a bit less forboding. We're not just here for the Christians though; there are a lot of people searching for some type of spiritual meaning and Christians really haven't been able to contribute much to the conversation because we're just a bit stuck-up and prone to nastiness. tedMEDIA's goal isn't to coerce, frighten, or browbeat anyone with our beliefs; we just want to start an actual conversation, and a conversation isn't can't just be about talking, it must be about listening.
It's a pretty tough mountain we've decided to scale, but maybe what we see as success can't be measured in such tangible terms. In my opinion, if we can simply cause someone to gain a new perspective on Christianity instead of simply stiffening at the term, we will have done very well indeed.
And so here we are with just our cameras and heads full of images. We believe strongly that Christian media must not only be based in what we see as truth, but must be well designed, artistic, and visually powerful. For too long, many Christian films have presumptuously neglected story, acting, and cinematography in the belief that God will bless because they are spreading the truth. We forget that God puts a high premium on the artistic. We've set a high standard for ourselves; we'll see if we can live up to just a few of those artistic and spiritual values in the next three years.


Anonymous said...

Is this where you work or is this a new company you are creating?

Leslie Foster said...

Hey Becky, this is where I work.