Tuesday, June 26, 2007

This Mini-Rant is Sponsored in Part by GrapeNuts®

There are a few things that seriously frustrate me. Jumping to a conclusion about me is one of those things. Before I go on, I will admit I've done the same to others to my chagrin...I'm working on it. That doesn't stop it from bothering me. It's so easy to take a piece of information about a person and create an entire characterization. I'm fairly tired of having an entire personality created for me because of my skin color or my occupation or my age.
Yes I'm an artist but that doesn't mean that I'm bad at math or scatterbrained or messy. Yes I'm just 22 and yes I have much to learn about life. That doesn't mean I'm naive or or dependent on my parents or unprofessional.
This is an invitation to come get to know me, learn my story, my history, and if you have to make an educated assumption, alright, but not before.


Unknown said...

hmmm . . . one wonders what inspired this rant . . .

Anonymous said...

A lot of people who don't know me well at all get to know a few things about me and then they catagorize me, like or your one of those. I hate that because they are never right and do not care to take the time to get to know me at all. In my opnion the river actually runs deep in every person on some level. It's just like we learned in screen writing class that the characters are better when they are more round instead of flat.

Leslie Foster said...

You're exactly right Becky, the river does run deep in every person. It's easy to forget that...